Chief Apostle Mary E. Winfrey

Apostle Mary E Winfrey is a wife, a mother, a grandmother and a great grandmother.
Apostle Winfrey is the Founder and Visionary of Faith Deliverance International World Ministries Inc. whose assignment is to Restore and Liberate those wounded in the line of duty, To share the Gospel message and bring deliverance from strongholds and erroneous doctrine.

Apostle has been released to travel international to take the Gospel message to the world. She is a true humanitarian and has received many honors for her outstanding commitment and dedication in caring for victims of family violence. She was recognized by the Secretary of State, and given an Ambassador of Peace award with the authority to represent the State of Georgia locally and Internationally.

Apostle Winfrey is a pioneer and has set up Churches and Ministries. She is a Chief Apostle and Bishop who has under her Spiritual Covering several churches and Ministries in the United States and International. Apostle, has not only a strong In reach but also a great Outreach for such a time as this. She is a survivor of domestic violence, and God has given her a special gift for ministering to abused women and those spiritually wounded in the line of duty.

She is the Founder and Executive Director of Safe Haven Transitional Inc. a program that has helped thousands of women and children victimized by domestic violence and providing them with transitional housing, supportive services and a children’s program designed to break the intergenerational cycle of abuse.

Apostle knows that charity begins at home and spreads abroad. Therefore, God has graced her with the opportunity to assist in the opening of My Sister’s Keeper Transitional Shelter (which she named) in Nairobi Kenya. “To God Be The Glory”.
In 1996 God released more favor upon Apostle Winfrey and she became the Founder of Emmanuel Bible Institute of Higher Learning whose mission is to “Train, Equip and release Leaders for the 21st century.

Apostle Winfrey is a vital force in the society and has received several awards for her work, commitment and Stand for Unity in the Community. She has been a special guest and ministered on numerous AM & FM Radio Stations and Various Christian Television Broadcasts throughout the United States and Internationally . She has been featured in several local and international newspapers and magazines and has ministered in and supported several International Crusades.

Apostle Winfrey is a conference speaker, instructor for workshops, seminars, women’s retreats She is an advocate, mentor, spiritual advisor, confidante and a woman with a VISION!

Psalm 91:1 He who dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

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